Our Services

Our Services aim to assist you to move with form and
function, maintaining, protecting and restoring your health.

Our Services aim to assist you to move with form and function, maintaining, protecting and restoring your health.

General Treatment

General treatment is the core part of what the podiatrists at The Glide Group do. Our everyday environment can lead to painful effects on our feet. If these effects are not addressed appropriately, they can quickly lead to issues developing.

Some common concerns that we can treat during a general treatment appointment include:

  • Thickened or difficult to cut toe-nails.
  • Hard calluses, corns, blisters and dry or cracked skin.
  • Warts.
  • Ingrown toe-nails.
  • Fungal infections of the skin or toe-nails.

These conditions will often recur without the appropriate plan being made. Your podiatrist will be able to investigate the possible cause for these conditions and then a plan will be discussed. This could include regular appointments plus home treatment options that can help the condition from recurring as painfully.

Diabetic Foot Assessment

It is vital that if you are living with Diabetes that your feet are assessed regularly. Diabetes affects feet in several ways, all of which we can assess.

As a diabetic you are at higher risk of developing a condition known as Peripheral Neuropathy. You are also at an increased chance of having peripheral vascular issues – meaning that the circulation to your feet is less effective.

If you are presenting for a diabetic foot assessment, your podiatrist will discuss your history living with diabetes including how long you have known you have had the condition, any medications that you take and your most recent blood glucose levels and HbA1c test results. We will then perform a specialised general treatment which will additionally involve neurological testing to assess your sensation and vascular tests which will involve palpation of the arteries in your feet. We will then do a doppler ultrasound study to listen for the specific sounds and waveforms that are made by the blood flow to your feet. This gives us a more comprehensive understanding of your foot health.

If required we will discuss with you referral to diabetic specialists if there are some concerns that arise during our appointment.

Biomechanical Assessment

  • Plantar heel pain (plantar fasciitis, plantar fasciosis, heel spur, nerve entrapment).
  • Arch pain or strain.
  • Ankle joint stiffness or injury, ankle sprains rehabilitation.
  • Achilles tendon pain or injury
  • Shin splints.
  • Flat feet.
  • Forefoot pain (bursitis, capsulitis, neuroma, plantar plate injury).
  • Toe pains (bunions, clawed toes, turf toe).
  • Knee hip or back pain which can be occuring secondary to foot function issues

Pain and reduced function in our feet and lower limb can have an enormously debilitating effect on our quality of life. In order to truly understand what is happening with your movement we need to undertake a biomechanical analysis.

A podiatric biomechanical analysis is an assessment where we are focusing on analysing any functional issues with your lower limb that may be leading to pain or problematic compensation patterns developing.

We will start the appointment by discussing what your concerns are and then asking your some questions about your history – including but not limited to your activities, your exercise and your medical history including any past injuries or operations.

The assessment utilises state of the art technology to view and breakdown every aspect of your gait, hands on assessment of your joint range of motion and muscles testing.

We will then discuss with you our findings and move on to developing a comprehensive, customised treatment plan that is going to best work with your life and activities.

This plan may include foot mobilisation therapy, strengthening exercises, dry needling, footwear prescription and orthotic therapy. We are firm believers that a multidisciplinary approach is often vital to optimum rehabilitation and therefore may also refer to you local practitioners and specialists that share in our principles of optimising strength and movement for rehabilitation and recovery.

Some of the many conditions that a patient will see us for a biomechanical assessment include:

Keryflex® Application

The Keryflex Nail Restoration system can only be applied by a qualified podiatrist. It is an immediate fix to unsightly nails, providing a natural looking nail plate that adheres to your original nail. It will disguise damage due to trauma or fungal nail infections.

Find out more here: keryflex.com

Foot Mobilisation Therapy

Foot mobilisation and manipulation therapies require specific training to palpate and analyse the individual joints in your feet. Each of your feet contain 26 bones, 33 joints and more than 100 muscles, tendons and ligaments. If there is dysfunction in your joints then your foot is not going to be able to support your movements.

Foot mobilisation and manipulation can “unlock” these dysfunctions, allowing for functional movement patterns to be achieved and help you move, free from pain.

Dry needling

Dry Needling is a safe treatment where we use extremely fine acupuncture style needles to release trigger points in musculoskeletal tissue. Active trigger points cannot be released by stretches or exercise alone. Dry needling improves the range of motion of the muscles around your joints, releasing toxins and inflammatory markers and increasing blood flow to the area.